‘Be Still’ IS A NEW ABSTRACT ART COLLECTION inspired by my attempt actually to do so.

It’s more challenging than it sounds, isn’t it?
At least, it is for me. As a teenager, I would lounge in my room, sprawled across my bed. I’d read for hours, either library books or magazines. I would sit at the kitchen table and draw and sketch for a whole afternoon. I’d copy the cartoons in the Sunday paper and, later on, the fashion drawings in the ads. The women all had long legs, tiny waists, and full skirts. Just ask my mother – I had no problem with ‘be still’ whatsoever.
However, I don’t ‘lounge’ quite so well now. I would never get anything done! I draw less often than I used to, too. It’s tough to sit still and even harder to ‘be still.’
But it is essential to be still.
‘And know that I am God’ is the second part of that psalm. I was taught that ‘be still’ means ‘stop striving, stop fighting, relax, and stand in awe of God.’
I’m still working on that.

This abstract art collection, ‘Be Still’ serves as a reminder to be a little less busy and a little more still.
I was inspired by the cozy feel of the coast this time of year—less hectic, not as much activity, and a little more still conducive to being still.
I selected a palette of soft blues (surprise) and greys that I find soothing. Usually, I paint with more Ultramarine blue and fewer cool blues. However, as a nod to the coolness of the season and the rest it provides, for the ‘Be Still’ abstract art collection, I’ve painted with cool blue-greens, greys, a touch of warm yellow ochres, and a pop of red here and there as a reminder of spring.

There are 12 works in the ‘Be Still’ abstract art collection in various sizes.
I painted each piece in mixed media on gallery-depth canvas, varnished, wired, and ready to hang. They will be available on my website on Friday, February 17, at 10 am ET. Join my studio VIP list for early access the day before.

Want to read more behind-the-scenes news in my studio? Or see all my collections?