Coastal art for kids’ rooms?
‘I don’t really paint art for children’s rooms. My work is not animal-themed, or circus-themed, or celestial-themed, or whatever the latest trend is in decorating a nursery.’
That was my first thought when The Untamed Square announced to their artists that they were creating a special release of art for children. Clearly, I haven’t decorated a nursery in at least 20 years. Today, kids’ rooms are more sophisticated than when my children were babies. Or maybe I didn’t have sophisticated taste as a young mother.
Either way, nurseries, and kids decor have come a long way from the ‘cutsie’ designs of the past. Current designs are elevated, chic, and much cooler than they used to be. I started doing a little research and the ideas began to simmer for a collection of coastal art for kids that is youthful, yet stylish.

When I begin planning a new collection, my process often begins with color. I rip pages out of magazines or search Pinterest for color schemes I like. They can be advertisements, a pretty room, or even a travel location. I then sketch ideas and begin to play with colors and ideas.
Or I use my own photographs. And I take a lot of them.
That’s where the inspiration began for this little collection of beach umbrella collection began. I realized that my children spent untold hours at the beach from the time they were babies, and those trips were an integral part of their childhood.
So why not paint a collection of coastal art for children’s rooms?
‘Summer Beach’ Art Collection: Coastal Art for Children’s Rooms

Thank you to The Untamed Square for pushing me to think outside the box, have a little fun with my own choices of color and subject matter, and allowing me to create this little collection of coastal art for kids’ rooms called ‘Summer Beach.’
The ‘Summer Beach’ collection is available at The Untamed Square.

Want to see more coastal art? Take a look at these coastal small works on paper or read about this collection of ornaments and works on paper.