Do you remember how to really PLAY? Like when you were a kid?
Most of the time, I tend to focus on what needs to be done next. Commissions, taxes, laundry… you know. When I relax, I like to read, watch HGTV, take a walk, sit by a pool, or spend time with friends or family.
But I don’t PLAY much. I mean, like Phil Dunphy or Ellen kind of play.
Especially now that my boys are grown. Except maybe during the holidays or on vacation, when we play cards or throw a football at the beach. I guess many people play tennis or golf, but I don’t do either. I’ve been trying to focus on finding some playfulness, some lightness, and some joy in my life. Capturing that lightness of youth and summertime. Mostly I do that through my art.
In this new ‘PLAY’ collection, I experimented with color, new techniques, and materials as I painted. Before I begin a new series, I like to write down a few words or sentences that convey the feeling I’m attempting to communicate.
Here’s what I wrote about this new collection before I began painting…

I think I captured what was in my head, which is not always the case. I enjoyed playing with a new color palette, layers, and tools. I used charcoal, graphite, oil pastels, artist crayons, and acrylic paints. I attempted not to take my work so seriously, to slow down, and enjoy the process. Turn the music up loud and dance a little with my paintbrush in my hand.
Do you do anything special to incorporate play into your life?

Want to see more of my art collections? Or read about the inspiration behind the work?
Here’s the music behind the collection. Because there’s always music in the studio.